The hashtags I have chosen to follow are #alg1chat #geomchat #hsmath #PBL #edtools and #topteaching. I
teach high school mathematics specifically algebra 1 and geometry. Primarily I
chose these to find math resources that I could use towards teaching. Also, our
Freshman Academy administrator is pushing for us to work on revamping our
lesson plans to be less traditional so I’m hoping to find some good Project
Based Learning resources and ways to improve my teaching.
I really like the resources I could find under the subject
specific hashtags #alg1chat and #geomchat. I feel like I get in a rut of using
the same resources and these should help me to branch out and really include
new examples and different types of problems. My first resource that I found under
#alg1chat I found the following image:
This image is an example of always/sometimes/never problems.
These types of questions really show an understanding of the concept because
the student has to really think through the concept and when it can occur. I am
always looking for ways to differentiate instruction in our Algebra 1 H class
and I really feel as though these specific problems and ones like these could
be very beneficial. The second resource I found was for a website called
georigami. It uses origami to teach various geometry topics. It also gives videos
and worksheets for each of the topics. My third resource I found was a under
#topteaching. It is a blog post entitled “Changing Role of Substitute Teachers.”
The author talks about how there is a shortage of substitutes in her district and
that many substitutes may not be certified or even if they are it may not be in
your subject. This is something I find as well. Our school will be issuing
Chromebooks to all students in two years. With this roll out these devices
these technology resources could definitely change the way things could be
taught when I have to be out.
I am extremely excited about the use of Twitter as a form
of professional development. I feel like my world has been completely opened to
an extremely good resource. I am really excited to see how the subject specific
hashtags are used during the school year. Most high school math teachers are
going to follow the same progression through a course. I feel that when stumped
on how to make a lesson better resources that would be tweeted out would work
well for the lessons that would be taught at the time. Also, as stated above, our
administrator is really pushing for more engaging lessons and the integration
of PBL. I feel that many great resources for this could be easily found on
for my found resources:
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