This image above is a compilation of images as I was making
my dinner. As I thought through the making of my meal I thought that each
aspect is analogous to the concepts we have researched in this module:
Communities of Practice, Connectivism, and Professional Learning Networks. All
of these concepts really do come together as a meal comes together from the
beginning to the end.
What I believe to be the most basic level are the
Communities of Practice (CoPs). Communities of practice are a group of people,
with a common interest, who meet regularly in some fashion that may not
necessarily be in person, who engage in a form of learning together (Wenger,
2013). In my dinner image I see the CoPs to be the individual elements such as
the chicken, spinach, pasta, asparagus, etc. I see these to be the individual
elements of the big picture. Individually, these pieces are cooked and primed
with the end goal to be to come together for something bigger.
The piece that I see to tie all of the pieces together is the
learning theory of Connectivism. Learning occurs when connections are made and
not primarily through an individual. (“Connectivism”, n.d.) In my analogy of my
meal, the pieces I see to be Connectivism are what I will refer to as the
tools. These are the knives, the stove, the pots and pans, and the bowls. These
are the pieces that bring the meal together. Without them, I would still have
chicken, asparagus, spinach, and pasta, but through the tools they are
transformed and brought together.
Finally, we have a meal. At this point all of the pieces
(CoPs) have been brought together and connected and transformed and each of
these pieces belongs to something much bigger. I see the final product, the
completed meal to be an example of a Professional Learning Network (PLN). The
PLN combines the groups of connected people to form an intentional bond (Gutierrez,
2016). I feel my example of the meal represents a Professional Learning Network
well. At the end I have provided an image of a potluck (Woods, 2012). I feel an
example of a potluck shows the many different PLNs as they come together. My
meal shows one PLN, but in reality there are millions of PLNs in the world all
which are also connected together as well as in a potluck there are multiple
meals that come together to form the feast.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2017 from Education 2020 Wiki:
Gutierrez, K.
(2016) What are Personal Learning Networks?. Retrieved from
Wenger, E. (2013). What Are Communities of Practice?. Retrieved
Woods, D.
(Photographer). (2012, April 21). Potluck! [digital image]. Retrieved from
Kristin, I love how you used a meal to represent the three main concepts! I personally would have never thought to break it down into the ingredients, tools, and then the meal as a whole to represent them. What great insight to help others understand the meanings of CoPs, connectivism, and PLNs! Also, tying the bigger picture together with a potluck meal was a wonderful idea. Great job!