Sunday, January 21, 2018

Mission and Vision

Technology is rapidly evolving, both inside of the classroom and outside. Inside the classroom, teachers used to use chalkboards, dry erase boards, and projected transparencies. In these times students were expected to sit in rows of seats and soak in knowledge from their teacher who was expected to know all and be the main disseminator of knowledge. Now, students are surrounded by a wealth of technology, not only at home but also in the classroom. These technologies span from cell phones to chrome books to laptops to tablets to virtual reality simulators and much more. With this wealth of technology at their fingertips, it is important that this technology is utilized appropriately and allows for students to be creators and discoverers rather than idle learners.

Robyler discusses the two main perspectives at play today on effective instruction which are direct instruction and inquiry-based learning. Direct instruction is based on the behaviorist learning theory. It says that instruction should be teacher-centered and students are fed predefined information. Inquiry-based learning has evolved from the cognitive learning theory and is primarily student-centered and students generate knowledge with their teachers serving as facilitators. (Robyler, 2016)

It has been shown that solely putting technology into the hands of children does not necessarily improve learning. According to findings referenced in an article from February 2013 on Edutopia, when technology implementation is blended with teacher instruction produces better outcomes than just face-to-face instruction or solely online student learning. (Vega, 2013) For technology integration to be truly successful schools need to set aside time for intentional professional development and teacher training. Also, with the constantly evolving technology funds need to be dedicated to meet this technology as it advances or it will not be the most effective.

In looking up the most recent National Assessment of Education progress report from 2015, only twenty-five percent of high school seniors tested as proficient or better in math. This is a startling statistic showing how broken math education is. An article by Smith from Edutopia states that student achievement is higher in mathematics classrooms who implement technology. (2008) Technology implementation in a math classroom can allow for students to explore different theorems and algebraic rules causing them to have a much deeper understanding of the material. There are also a vast number of programs that can test the level a student is at and help to build them up by meeting them where their skill level is. Technology is exactly what the mathematics classroom needs to help “freshen up a tired curriculum.” (Smith, 2008)


NAEP - 2015 Mathematics & Reading at Grade 12 - Mathematics - National Results Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Roblyer, M. (2016). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (7th ed.). Massachusetts: Pearson.

Smith, L. (2008, May 22). Winning Equation: How Technology Can Help Save Math Education. Retrieved from

Vega, V. (2013, February 5). Technology Integration Research Review. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Kristin, I enjoyed reading your mission and vision statement. Being a math teacher myself, I agree with what was said about teaching using only technology is not the most effective way. Technology can be a great tool to use within the classroom, but needs to be used properly!
