Deeper Learning Approaches
One key trend from the Horizon Report that peaked my interest was that of deeper learning approaches. As a high school math teacher in a time where about twenty-five percent of high school seniors are graduating proficient in mathematics, I am intrigued by any way that I can help my students to truly learn the material on a deeper level. This key trend falls under the long-term trend, driving technology adoption for the next five or more years. This trend stresses the shift from students as passive learners to active learners through the use of technology. Technology used to be frequently seen as a distractor in the classroom and is now opening doors for students to constantly learn in the palm of their hands. I believe that because of this teachers can assign more rigorous tasks that allow students to truly explore and create, but also teachers need to be good facilitators to make sure students are engaged in the learning and not distracted by games or other applications on their devices.
Redesigning Learning Spaces
A mid-term trend that I found to be interesting was redesigning learning spaces. I found this one to be particularly interesting because I feel when people think of an elementary school classroom they are more likely to think of one that is colorful with tables and separate areas for different types of learners and collaboration. I teach in a high school classroom where many times still the desks are in rows like a cemetery and students are expected to sit quietly, listen, and complete their work. In the Horizon Report, it states that the "design should be maximized to support more collaboration, self-directed learning, active learning, and inquiry and creation." I am intrigued to at least organize my desks into groups, this way encouraging students to work together and be active in their learning. These are skills that are desired in the workplace when students graduate and should be fostered while they are in high school.
Both deeper learning approaches and redesigning learning spaces have at the heart of them fostering collaboration, inquiry, and active learning. These are all key ideas that are throughout the NMC/CoSN 2017 K-12 Horizon Report. It is extremely important to push towards these trends as they will help to foster life-long learners in our students and better prepare them for the workforce that they are headed towards.
Freeman, A., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., and Hall Giesinger, C. (2017).
MC/CoSN Horizon Report: 2017 K–12 Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.